Salon Referral Program

Hair Loss in Salon Clients

We offer a referral program for salon owners, stylists, and barbers whose clients are facing hair loss

If you have any clients who are dealing with fine or thinning hair, or even know a client who is facing chemotherapy and cancer treatment, you may have been trying to find a solution for them. Trying to create the most attractive hairstyle during a predicament you have little experience with becomes quite a challenge.

When a client is going through cancer treatment it is an emotional rollercoaster for them. The thought that they may lose their hair is devastating.

If you are in such a position, it may be time to refer your client to someone with more expertise in the field of thinning, balding, and hair loss from medical conditions. At the World Hair Institute, we offer a referral fee to salon owners, stylists, barbers, and others who go the extra mile for their clients.

Hair loss due to treatment is a common occurrence in our particular field of work. Having compassion for your client is what leads stylists to recommend the team at World Hair Institute until they are able to return to you and your services. This is not unlike a patient being sent to a specialist by their doctor.

For more information, please contact us at 312-372-4008.